Koytera, Kalisizo, Uganda siloampoolministries@gmail.com
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Ddembelyabato Orphanage Project, Siloam Pool Ministries

Thousands of children in Uganda become orphans after the death of there parents leaving them in gaps of limited accessibility to quality education, clothing and shelter.
Help us to make there lives cheerful.

Christine Ayesiza, Church Administrator &
Orphanage Care Taker

Uganda is one of the poorest countries in Africa, with a long history of political turmoil, human rights abuse and economic strife. Added to this dangerous mix has been the continuous spread of HIV/AIDS, as well as various other contagious deadly diseases such as the Cholera, Typhoid, Polio, Measles, Covid-19 and periodic influxes of refugees across Africa.

The continual onslaught of all these disasters has left an even bigger tragedy in their wake: thousands of orphans abandoned to survive on their own. These innocent victims are often preyed upon by adults and forced to work as unpaid house maids, evolution into thieves and even prostitutes. Without comfort, shelter, or education, there is little hope for the future of the orphans in Uganda. Ddembelyabato orphanage project under Siloam Pool Ministries wants to deliver that hope to Ugandan children. Reference: pmc/articles

Our Background

Ddembeltyabato Orpanage is a project under VEROWGDEC (registered non profit Commmunity based organization 6828) and Siloam Pool Ministries. Ddembelayabato was founded with a group of six women and four men with a major focus of : (1) Decampaining against Gender Based Violence, (2) Supporting Orphans so that they can escape the trap of emotional torture and trauma due to the lack of parental love and support, (3) Setting up Ddembelyabato orphanage School project that will educate orphans at primary levels who cannot afford quality education, and (4) Empowering Wowen and Girl Child through various community summits and providing them with life changing skills.

(Left) Marison Miller from California, USA during her volunteership in 2019.
(Right) Christine Ayesiza who happens to be the Administrator at Siloam Pool Ministries

Church Orphanage

"Thousands of children in Uganda become orphans after the death of there parents leaving them in gaps of limited accessibility to quality education, clothing and shelter. Help us to make there lives cheerful."

Our Foundation

Ddembelayabato orphanage project was built from the core principles of fearing God. The children are raised with the core principles of praising, worshipping and praying to God.

Our Mission

To impact the lives of orphaned children (boys and girls) and women through a project based approach.

Our Impact

Since our establishment, with the help and donations of various groups of people in the society, we have managed to provide a home and education to over 251 total orphans. While some are nolonger with us, we are proud to have impacted them.